A game of luck and strategy for 2 players.
A two-player checkers variant inspired by the online comic strip Schlock Mercenary by Howard Tayler.
A checkers variant with race game aspects for two or more fay-folk.
A mad rush to make your connecting flight for 2 to 4 air traveleers.
A no-hands, no-feet, no-touching game of soccer for two players and a screaming-hot ball.
Use that box of dice to strategize with two to four high-rollers.
I used to play Lincoln Logs like this: Build towers just to knock them down with two to four players.
Celebrate your glee or vent your cynicism in this two-player checkers variant inspired by the online comic Sluggy Freelance by Pete Abrams.
A winnable variant of Tic-Tac-Toe for two modern artists.
Mix colors with dice to capture goals from two to five players.